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Opportunities to export protective clothing


THE Southern African region has abundant mineral resources, making mining activities some of the largest economic drivers across the countries.

Zambia, one of Zimbabwe’s key trading partners is big on copper and is the second largest copper producer in Africa after another SADC country, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The mining industry in Zambia is an important pillar to its economy, also supported by cobalt and emerald mining activities.

Botswana is the largest producer of diamonds in Africa and the second in the world after Russia.

Gold, diamonds, platinum, and coal are the most well-known among the minerals and metals mined in South Africa, which is Zimbabwe’s largest trading partner.

Mozambique holds some of the world’s largest untapped coal deposits and the recent gas discoveries are expected to increase the contribution of mining activities to the nation’s economy.

In Angola, mining activities are concentrated around oil and diamonds.

This small scan of the mining sector in southern Africa demonstrates export potential for Zimbabwean companies to supply a wide range of support products and services to the mining companies.

Evidence shows that local companies are still to unlock opportunities in production and supply of protective clothing to mining companies spread across the Southern African region.

Apart from the mining sector, sectors such as agriculture, health and construction offer untapped opportunities for local companies to supply a wide range of protective clothing.

Protective clothing falls under the broad category of personal protective equipment (PPEs), which now includes overalls, safety boots, gloves, helmets, and eye protection equipment such as safety goggles.

Zimbabwean companies are already producing competitive and quality PPEs in the form of overalls, gloves, masks, aprons, dust coats and reflective clothing.

By comparison to products coming from other countries, the quality of Zimbabwe-produced protective clothing is high and preferred by most companies.

What is important now is getting the price right and to penetrate markets that are located around mining towns in the region.

Factors driving demand for protective clothing

In all countries in the region, it is a requirement for companies in the mining sector to provide their employees in certain sectors with protective clothing for their day-to-day operations.

Employers in sectors such as agriculture, mining, engineering, hospitality industry, health services, building and construction cannot afford to do without protective clothing.

This requirement is seeing the demand for PPEs going up in the region, thus unlocking export opportunities for local producers.

With most countries in the region focusing on increasing production in the mining sector and improved value addition and beneficiation, it is projected that more jobs will be created which in turn will increase demand for PPE.

Since 2014, the entire Southern African Development Community (SADC) has been pushing the idea that value addition and beneficiation of raw materials from the region should form the basis for industrial development, economic diversification and creating stronger linkages in the regional value chains.

This drive is therefore expected to see increased job creation and production along mining value chains, which in turn will increase demand for PPE.

Global prices of copper and cobalt have firmed up and this has bought good tidings to resource-rich countries like Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The increase in the mining activities and the downstream effect that the mining sector has in these countries present market opportunities for local companies in the clothing sector.

Given the reputation Zimbabwe holds as the home to quality and reliable PPE products, some countries in the region are already looking at local manufacturers to satisfy anticipated growth and demand.

Currently, ZimTrade — the country’s trade development and promotion organisation — is working with some distributing companies in Zambia, Mozambique and DRC who are looking to import from Zimbabwe to meet demand coming from mining companies.

ZimTrade is planning an Outward Seller Mission to DRC in May this year to improve linkages between Zimbabwean producers of protective clothing and buyers in the market.

Apart from the changing dynamics from the mining sector driving demand of PPEs, the infrastructure development in most countries in the SADC region has seen an increase in demand for protective clothing.

In addition, the coronavirus pandemic has increased the demand for PPE across all sectors of the economies in the region.

People are now required to wear masks when going about their day-to-day activities, hospital staff has been beefed up to cope with the numbers of infected patients, further increasing the demand for medical coats, gloves and aprons, among other apparel.

Further to this, the region received good rainfall and farmers in countries such as Zambia, Mozambique, South Africa and Malawi are forecasting bumper harvests.

The harvest will inject more life into industries down the value chain that is expected to employ more people in areas such as harvesting, milling, packing, sales, and distribution.

All these numbers will need to be provided with work suits, overalls, masks, gloves, and safety shoes.

Growing exports to meet growing demand

Zimbabwe is already exporting clothing products, including protective clothing and there is potential to do more.

According to Trade Map, Zimbabwe’s exports of clothing items increased by 77, 1 percent from US$6, 7 million in 2015 to US$12 million in 2019.

The major market remained South Africa accounting for more than 70 percent of total export throughout the entire period.

Zambia, Mozambique, Malawi, and the Democratic Republic of Congo are also importing locally manufactured clothing items.

There is a need to leverage on existing trade agreements to diversify our exports into the region.

Zimbabwe is a signatory to bilateral and multilateral trade agreements which allow local companies to
export clothing articles duty-free and quota-free.

There are bilateral trade agreements with Malawi, Namibia, Botswana, and Mozambique.

The country is also a signatory to the multi-lateral trade protocols of SADC and COMESA, which target to improve access to markets in the region.

To improve access to markets, clothing manufacturers should also invest in understanding their markets and come up with products that meet their requirements.

For example, companies that operate in a hot climate require protective clothing made of cotton, which is cooler, absorbs sweat and is quite comfortable to wear in summer.

Companies in countries with cold winter periods usually require protective clothing that provides warmth in addition to protection for their employees.

Lincoln Lubrication SA cements deal to install automated fire suppression systems at Nigerian cement plant


Seventeen miners at a coal mine in southern Zambia survived gas suffocation while working underground, a mining official said on Tuesday.

The accident happened in the early hours of Monday at Collum Coal Mine situated in Sinazongwe district at shaft 6 underground when suspected carbon monoxide gas filled the underground passage as the miners were working.

Acting Mine Manager Oliver Kabango said the incident resulted in some of the miners fainting although there were no fatalities, according to the state-run news agency, the Zambia News and Information Service.

He said the miners were taken to a local hospital where they were treated for gas suffocation and later discharged.

Safety officers have since been dispatched to the accident scene to ascertain the source of the carbon monoxide, he added.

District Commissioner Sheena Muleya, who visited the mine, expressed concern over the accident and urged management to ensure maximum safety in the operations

17 miners survive gas suffocation in southern Zambia


Seventeen miners at a coal mine in southern Zambia survived gas suffocation while working underground, a mining official said on Tuesday.

The accident happened in the early hours of Monday at Collum Coal Mine situated in Sinazongwe district at shaft 6 underground when suspected carbon monoxide gas filled the underground passage as the miners were working.

Acting Mine Manager Oliver Kabango said the incident resulted in some of the miners fainting although there were no fatalities, according to the state-run news agency, the Zambia News and Information Service.

He said the miners were taken to a local hospital where they were treated for gas suffocation and later discharged.

Safety officers have since been dispatched to the accident scene to ascertain the source of the carbon monoxide, he added.

District Commissioner Sheena Muleya, who visited the mine, expressed concern over the accident and urged management to ensure maximum safety in the operations.

DR Congo ministers call for eased lockdown for miners


DR Congo’s mines ministry has proposed lifting lockdowns at mining operations after workers went on strike to protest compulsory on-site confinements during the coronavirus outbreak.

Human rights organisations said earlier this month that mining workers in the vast African country were being forced to stay in overcrowded, unsanitary accommodations.

During a council meeting on Friday government ministers acknowledged the “abysmal housing conditions” of employees in the mineral-rich Katanga region.

Since a lockdown put in place on March 10 by companies producing cobalt and copper, many employees have been forced to work beyond their eight-hour shifts with no additional pay, according to a group of local and international NGOs.

At some sites, “Congolese workers were not given adequate food and water rations, were not provided with appropriate sleeping arrangements and, in some cases, were not given a choice to accept the confinement without fear of losing their jobs or other forms of reprisal,” the organisations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, said.

The workers are at a great risk for COVID-19 due to the lack of personal protective equipment and handwashing facilities, the group said in a letter to mining companies, stressing that the findings were “of great concern”.

– ‘Forced lockdown for 68 days’ –

One mining giant, Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM), confined its employees for two months to its site located between Lubumbashi and Kolwezi.

“We went on strike due to a forced lockdown for 68 days without seeing our women and children. They paid us a special bonus of $500 (450 euros) per worker,” employee Joel Muyeba Kalambwe told AFP.

The information was confirmed to AFP by a TFM executive, who spoke of an agreement with around 3,000 confined workers and of “a premium of ten dollars per day of lockdown”.

The country’s mines ministry “has proposed the deconfinement of workers at mining sites following the strike movements of TFM workers in Lualaba province and those of KCC (Kamoto Copper Company, a subsidiary of Glencore) in Upper Katanga,” according to the minutes of the ministers’ meeting on Friday.

DRC President Felix Tshisekedi ordered a state of emergency on March 24, which has been extended several times by a vote in parliament.

Under the measure, borders, schools, places of worship, bars and restaurants are all closed, and gatherings of more than 20 people are banned.

While the country has not issued a stay-at-home order, partial confinements have been decided at the local level — as they were recently in Lubumbashi, the capital of Upper-Katanga Province in the country’s south-east.

The Democratic Republic of Congo has so far officially recorded 5,672 coronavirus infections and 125 deaths.

The country produces 70 percent of the world’s cobalt, an essential element in the manufacture of batteries for electric cars.

The mining industry is becoming SA’s new Covid-19 epicentre


About half of the total Covid-19 coronavirus cases in the North West, which has almost tripled its numbers in just a week, are in the mining industry.

North West had recorded a total of 523 Covid-19 cases by Sunday, while the Minerals Council SA revealed that the mining industry in the province had 198 confirmed cases on Friday.

This has raised fears that the industry is becoming a new epicentre and that the Covid-19 curve could remain on a steep upward trajectory, with even more mine workers, including those who had been at home in neighbouring countries, set to return to work in the coming weeks.

In its latest figures, the Mineral Council SA has revealed that the mining industry has recorded 572 Covid-19 cases – Gauteng leads with 294 cases; it is followed by North West and then Limpopo with 75.

We have told mining companies that those bringing people back must say where they are coming from and each returning mine worker must go into a 14-day quarantine before getting to work.

Provincial Health MEC Madoda Sambatha

Cases skyrocket

North West has recorded a sudden spike in numbers, which went from 143 cases on May 29 – with only nine new cases recorded on the day – to 364 a week later.

The province recorded 49 new cases on Thursday alone, 44 of which were in the mining areas of Rustenburg and Matlosana, which registered 24 and 29 cases, respectively.

The Bojanala Platinum District Municipality, under which Rustenburg falls, was at 66 cases just more than a week ago. The number has since trebled and was at 215 by Friday. Rustenburg was at 198 cases on the same day.

Matlosana had 44 cases just a week ago, while the district under which it falls, Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality, had a total of 60 cases on May 29. Matlosana had registered 98 cases, while the district had 121.

Province points finger at mines

Provincial Health MEC Madoda Sambatha said the numbers in North West showed the “direct impact of mining operations” on Covid-19 cases, and emphasised the need for things to be done differently as mining companies bring back most of their employees in lockdown level 3.

He pointed out that a mining company in the area had recorded 78 cases at one operation site in the area.

Sambatha reiterated the need for precautionary measures in the industry to be beefed up as more mine workers return to work.

“We have told mining companies that those bringing people back must say where they are coming from and each returning mine worker must go into a 14-day quarantine before getting to work. Contact tracing must also not only be limited to workplace contacts, but must include where the worker stays and where they originally came from,” he said.

Where there has been large-scale testing, a high number of cases have been picked up – this is mainly in the gold mines on the West Rand in Gauteng, where Mponeng Mine has 196 cases.

Head of health at the Mineral Council SA Thuthula Balfour

Sambatha also expressed concerns about asymptomatic people.

“There is a mine in Rustenburg where five people worked for almost five days with their teams and only reported being sick themselves when they were underground. It was later discovered that they had 68 contacts who also tested positive,” he said.

“Another challenge is that people were lying during the screening process. We have discovered that some people told their employees that they had remained in North West during the lockdown, but they were in fact in other provinces, including the Eastern Cape.

“The reason coal mines in Mpumalanga were not registering a high number of cases was because workers there never went into lockdown – they continued working and living in same area. The mining industry must be ready to handle the return of workers differently this time, and quarantine should be taken very seriously.”

Mining industry promises to improve

The Minerals Council SA has promised to implement aggressive screening of workers before they return to work, as well as quarantining those who return from neighbouring countries.

The council said about 9 500 mine workers were expected to return mainly from Mozambique and Lesotho.

Head of health at the Mineral Council SA, Thuthula Balfour, said not all of the workers were going to come back to South Africa because some were susceptible to catching Covid-19, such as those who were older than 60 and others who had comorbidities that were not under control.

The council said screening was going to be done on workers in their countries before they boarded transport organised by their employer to South Africa, and that none of those presenting symptoms of the virus were going to be allowed to travel.

Meanwhile, Balfour said, the industry had so far screened 227 000 of its workforce of about 450 000 to arrive at the recently announced 572 cases.

She said more cases were discovered where most tests were done.

“Where there has been large-scale testing, a high number of cases have been picked up – this is mainly in the gold mines on the West Rand in Gauteng, where Mponeng Mine has 196 cases,” she said.

Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection to showcase reliable and performant gas detection solutions at Adipec


One of the largest events of its kind, ADIPEC 2022 (31 October – 3 November, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)will host more than 150,000 energy professionals and visitors worldwide.

With over 140,000 gross square metres of exhibition space across sixteen halls, there will be plenty to see, especially for any companies seeking reliable, high-quality, proven gas detection and monitoring technologies. From Booth 9413 in Hall 9, Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection will shine the spotlight on several proven products that enhance safety and bring even more capabilities to the oil and gas sector.

Visitors to the booth will also discover how Teledyne will meet the gas detection demands of the giant Hail and Ghasha sour gas project that is currently in development off the UAE coastline.

Among the class-leading products on display from Teledyne GFD will be the GD1 hydrogen sulphide (H2S) laser detector, which features a unique, customisable laser diode that, rather than emitting a conventional straight beam of light, travels as a cone from one point to another. In other words, the beam expands after transmission and is almost a metre in diameter when it reaches the receiver. As a result, the beam can penetrate harsh environments that competitor solutions may find difficult. The GD1 also performs real-time auto-calibration and auto-proof testing, and provides a very high sampling or detection rate i.e., 8000 times/sec. Well over 800 units have been deployed in the field since 2011.

Also in the spotlight will be the GD10P infrared gas detector with full firmware upgrade, enhancing the product’s performance in high demand mode SIL2 approved applications. In comparison with other infrared gas detectors, the new firmware adds further to GD10P’s differentiating factors, which include a solid-state infrared source and a 15-year warranty.
Moreover, despite the shortages experienced in the global semiconductor industry, we have been able to ensure business continuity for most of our products. As such we demonstrate our operational excellence and continue to respond quickly to almost any need. With GD10P, we prove our product leadership, offering to our partners leading-edge products and services. In fact, we have recently sold our 100,000th.

Elsewhere on the booth, ADIPEC visitors will find the GD10PE infrared point gas detector, which is ideal when users need fast, reliable detection of low gas concentrations. With a measuring range of 0-20% LEL, the GD10PE is five times more sensitive than standard point detectors.

Another exciting innovation launching at the show is Spyglass™, a brand-new range of flame detectors offering integrated high-definition CCTV video that facilitates the clear, rapid imaging of fire and people at unprecedented distances. When connected to a DVR/NVR, the rescue team becomes aware of the exact situation before entering the hazardous area. A range of high-capability models is available offering a selection of different detectors. Visitors should head for the booth to find out more.

Teledyne’s product portfolio houses a variety of detection technologies, including fixed, portable and wireless, as well as area monitors. Sometimes a mix of solutions can improve reliability and availability, as evidenced in the company’s proposal for the enormous Hail and Ghasha sour gas development, which is set to go live in 2024.

The main contractor tasked Teledyne GFD to ensure reliable wireless gas detection with 24-7 availability. As a result, the company proposed fixed gas detectors connected via a wireless mesh as a primary means of detecting LEL explosive gases and hydrogen sulphide gases. The solution also includes a second line of defence, utilising a mesh network of Teledyne’s field proven BM25 wireless area monitors. Implementation commenced in June 2021, with the wireless mesh network featuring independent supervision from field-mounted controllers and remote displays.

The BM25 will be on display at the booth, alongside other Teledyne industrial gas and flame detectors – both fixed and portable, including the wireless CXT. Personal gas monitors on view will include the PS200, PS500 and Protégé ZM, while a ‘Solution Wall’ will showcase DG MOS detector with Telecapteur asset management software, but also the high temperature SIL 2 DF flame detector.

Any company seeking the latest detection and monitoring technologies to keep oil and gas operations running safely, efficiently, and profitably, should look no further than the innovative solutions available from Teledyne GFD. ADIPEC visitors are welcome to discuss their specific challenges and requirements for which we will have an experienced and knowledgeable team on the booth.

At Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection, we focus on delivering superior customer value which means operational excellence and product leadership.

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Teledyne Oldham Simtronics SAS
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Why you should pack a portable smoke detector for your next vacation


Portable smoke detectors could be the difference between life and death on your summer vacation this year.

ST. LOUIS — Let’s be honest, how many people check their hotel rooms, or Airbnb’s for smoke detectors when they walk in?

Firefighters told 5 On Your Side, not nearly enough.

Portable smoke detectors could be the difference between life and death on your summer vacation this year.

We spoke with Ron Siarnicki, executive director of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation.

“There are about 2,600 Americans who die in home fires every year and the majority of the time, there is not a working smoke alarm in the house,” he said.

Smoke detectors save lives, and they’re not always found – or functioning – in your vacation spot.

“I think it’s important to travel with one, especially if you’re going to the ever-popular Airbnb’s,” said Dennis Jenkerson, chief of the St. Louis Fire Department.

Siarnicki agrees.

“The codes and standards across the globe are different and so people end up going to facilities that may not have working smoke alarms or a sprinkler system,” he said.

Check for working smoke detectors in your home and when you’re away.
The goal is to keep your family safe and do the same for our first responders.

Fire response calls are spiking in St. Louis and we’re told firefighters are trying to keep up with what’s turning out to be a very busy summer season.

“Because of the hot spell we’re having, we’re seeing a few more electrical fires. They’re not exactly electrical fires but their electrical overloads,” Chief Jenkerson said. “We see quite a few calls with power strips… everybody is plugging in the extra fans and air conditioners and they’re not made to keep up with that much electrical draw. So, they start melting down and we have fires going off on that.”

The department is getting more calls for indoor cooking fires as well.

Both Chief Jenkerson and Ron Siarnicki said, with kids out of school and spending time staying with close friends and family, parents should consider packing a portable detector with their child for sleepovers.

“You know, it’s a tough question for a parent to ask a neighbor, ‘Hey, do you have a working smoke alarm in your house?’ But the value of your child and the importance of your child’s safety is worth asking that question,” Siarnicki said.

If you do pack a portable smoke detector for a stay away, here are some tips:

  • Take the battery out before you pack it. You don’t want the smoke detector to go off in your luggage, especially at the airport.
  • Store the smoke detector inside a plastic bag when it’s in your luggage. That way, you can prevent dust, liquids and other things from getting on the detector.

When you’re ready to set up your portable smoke detector, remember these tips:

  • The device is most likely battery operated. Have batteries available.
  • You want to put the detector at the highest place in the room.
  • Pack some strong tape or hanging strips to put the device on a wall or ceiling of your hotel or Airbnb for that extra level of protection.
  • You can place a portable smoke detector on top of a tall dresser or cabinet if you’re unable to get it on the ceiling.

MSA launches new HazardWatch FX-12 fire and gas system with next-gen capabilities and FM approval


Process and safety engineers who need a full-featured fire and gas system with built-in cloud-ready capabilities will find the advanced, next-gen HazardWatch FX-12 fire and gas system from MSA Safety delivers peace-of-mind and security when it comes to reliable plant safety monitoring.

The new HazardWatch FX-12 fire and gas system combines the proven expertise of the industry’s leaders in safety and automation. Developed with MSA’s detection and systems integration expertise, as well as the process control/automation proficiency of Rockwell Automation, the HazardWatch FX-12 system is a powerful and flexible total safety solution designed to protect people, equipment, facilities and nearby communities.

Representing the next generation in highly intelligent monitoring solutions, the HazardWatch FX-12 system is designed to help process and plant engineers reduce hazard vulnerability while meeting the world’s most demanding safety standards. Designed for use in hazardous industries, the HazardWatch FX-12 system isSource: MSA Safety ideal for oil/gas production and tanker loading/unloading, petrochemical refining and storage, pipelines and gas compressor stations, LNG facilities, CNG and hydrogen production and vehicle terminals, electric power generation, aircraft maintenance facilities, aerospace launch sites, automotive and pharmaceutical manufacturing.

The HazardWatch FX-12 system is designed with Rockwell Automation’s industry proven Allen-Bradley ControlLogix programmable logic controller (PLC) technology and MSA’s advanced gas and flame detection field devices. Allen-Bradley DLR-enabled communication protocols allow secure integration with other Rockwell products. Offering intelligence, flexibility and reliability, the system’s controller hardware configuration and software have been tested by Factory Mutual (FM) to verify NFPA 72 (2013) compliance.

A complete solution in a single system, the HazardWatch FX-12 system includes: a stand-alone local fire and gas alarm panel with touch screen operator interface; a redundant power supply to support the fire and gas system per NFPA 72; easy integration with third party auxiliary devices such as horns, beacons and fire suppression systems; and FM-approved EtherNet/IP system communications to distributed control or emergency shutdown systems, with optional Modbus.

The HazardWatch FX-12 can accommodate up to 12 field devices per alarm panel, with the capability to network up to 12 panels. The panel is wall mounted in a NEMA 12 rated enclosure. User connections are made at a rail mounted “swing link” with terminal blocks organized by input/output type. The PLC processor and the touchscreen are fitted with non-volatile memory.

Highly versatile to support the full range of fire, flame and gas detection needs, the HazardWatch FX-12 is compatible with the industry’s leading flame and gas sensing technologies from MSA. The flame detector models available include the General Monitors Multi-Spectral Infrared (MSIR) FL4000H, the UV/IR Optical FL500 and others.

For combustible or toxic gas and oxygen deficiency monitoring, the HazardWatch FX-12 supports the Ultima X5000 and General Monitors S5000 gas detectors. In addition, for tank or pipe leak monitoring, the Observer ultrasonic gas leak detector is available, and for plant or area perimeter monitoring the IR5500 or Senscient ELDS open path gas detectors are supported.

For safety monitoring on-site or in the cloud, the HazardWatch FX-12’s optional FieldServer Gateway supports sharing critical operational data 24/7 via BACnet, EtherNet/IP, Modbus, SNMP and a host of other protocols. MSA’s remote monitoring and notification solutions help support fire alarm panels and the HazardWatch FX-12 fire and gas system by notifying the SCADA system of events in the field.

Dräger launches BG ProAir


Dräger, an international leader in the fields of medical and safety technology, has launched the Dräger BG ProAir, a closed-circuit breathing apparatus with innovative features to protect firefighters attending long-duration deployments such as those in tall buildings, complex structures, basements and tunnels.

The BG ProAir’s positive pressure breathing closed circuit prevents toxic substances from entering the breathing system. Both inhalation and exhalation are optimised by cooling and enriching the air with oxygen before inhaling, and CO2 being absorbed when exhaling. An even distribution of the breathing apparatus’ weight enhances comfort and ergonomics, especially important during extended missions.

Oxygen is supplied according to the wearer’s personal workload, allowing more than 4 hours duration at low breathing rates, and the new cooling concept also makes breathing easier and more natural. This allows the firefighter to manage the incident at a lower work rate.

Dräger launches BG ProAir to provide enhanced performance during longer firefighter operations
Dräger BG ProAir

It is further enhanced by smart onboard electronics, which include a low-pressure sensor. The integrated low pressure sensor warns when there is a lack of oxygen to ensure safe breathing. The sensor also provides a low pressure leak test of the breathing system.

The BG ProAir’s housing features highly visible reflectors and a buddy light system that alerts other firefighters to their team members’ vital information, such as cylinder pressure, and operating time.

With a high contrast, full-colour display, user data is plainly visible even in the most difficult environments such as darkness, bright sunlight or smoke. An integrated Bluetooth® module provides a short range connection to work with external devices such as gas detectors as well as a PC connection to download data and perform configuration.

The BG ProAir’s integrated data telemetry and RFID assists the user in multiple scenarios such as entry control management and absorber status tracking. In addition to time calculations such as time to whistle, Dräger have also integrated recognised features like PASS, ADSU and temperature readings.

Dräger launches BG ProAir to provide enhanced performance during longer firefighter operations
Dräger BG ProAir

With a fully sealed housing, the BG ProAir has been approved to the highest standards for heat, flame, and chemical resistance. For additional safety, it also comes with an optional buddy system, which enables the user to safely share oxygen with those in need during rescue situations.

The new apparatus is easy to assemble, disassemble and clean – vital for Fire Services that are now further prioritising thorough and consistent cleaning processes to deal with contaminants.

Liz Millward, Marketing Manager at Dräger Safety UK, says the BG ProAir is the culmination of proven manufacturing and design experience: “Dräger’s BG ProAir is evidence of our commitment to continual improvement. It delivers new functionality that has the potential to save lives and will improve wearer comfort, especially important when attending the most challenging, longer-duration incidents.’’

Minimising firefighters’ exposure to toxic fire effluents


Chemical and building regulations are designed to ensure that exposure to materials within residential, commercial and industrial buildings are safe. However, there are currently no requirements to consider how the safety of those materials might change in the event of a fire – i.e. there are no requirements to measure and quantify the toxic fire effluents produced by burning materials.

There are no restrictions on the use of products capable of emitting lethal quantities of toxic effluents during a fire. Compared with natural materials (wood, wool, cotton, leather, etc.), widely used synthetic polymers (derived from oil) burn more quickly, have faster flame spread, generate more heat and produce not only higher numbers of hazardous gases and particulates, but also much higher concentrations of toxic chemicals.

Firefighters are therefore at an increased risk of exposure to toxic fire effluents and subsequently at an increased risk of suffering adverse health outcomes.

Firefighters’ exposure to toxic fire effluents will depend on:

  • Fire Scenario (fire conditions)
  • Fuel (materials involved in the fire)
  • Specific toxicants released during and post fire
  • Contamination from fire debris/residues
  • Type, frequency and duration of fires attended
  • The tactics employed at the incident
  • The extinguishing medium used
  • Use of Personal Protection Equipment
  • Hygiene facilities and practices
  • Time between contamination and the use of hygiene facilities and practices

Contaminants, Toxicity and Exposure Pathways

Harm to health depends on the toxicity of the contaminant, but also on the exposure pathways via which an individual is exposed to the contaminant, and the dose (amount) of the contaminant an individual is exposed to (Duffus & Worth, 2006).

Fires produce a cocktail of toxic, irritant and carcinogenic chemicals – the composition of which varies depending on the specific materials burning and the fire conditions.

They can be released in the form of particulates which will include aerosols, dusts, fibres, smoke and fumes or gases and vapours.

Some of these fire effluents (e.g. carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and acid gases) have immediate adverse effects on health after only a single or short exposure (e.g. asphyxiation).

This is known as acute toxicity.

However, most other fire effluents (e.g. volatile organic compounds, or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) have much longer-term adverse effects on health, causing conditions which are more complex and can develop more slowly e.g. cancer, cardiovascular (related to the circulatory system which comprises the heart and blood vessels) and neurological (nervous system) diseases. This is known as chronic toxicity. Repeated exposure to even very small amounts of chronic toxicants over time increases the likelihood of developing long-term health conditions.

Acute and chronic toxicants can be then further classified according to the specific types of adverse effects they have on health. These classifications are referenced throughout this guide, and include:

• Carcinogens; substances which cause cancer (e.g. benzene, PAHs etc.).
 Teratogens; substances that can harm the foetus if exposure occurs during pregnancy (e.g. lead compounds, ethylene oxide, formamide etc.).
• Sensitisers; substances which result in an allergic type hypersensitivity reaction (e.g. of skin or lungs) (e.g. chromium, formaldehyde, isocyanates etc.).
• Irritants; substances which react in contact with moisture on/within the body and cause an inflammatory response (e.g. hydrogen chloride, hydrogen bromide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides etc.).

It has been proven that combinations of different chemicals which are not particularly harmful individually can give rise to entirely new hazardous effects. Moreover, the effects of chronic toxicants may be cumulative, and can remain latent for a long time before any symptoms arise or are even measurable. (Heys et al., 2016)

Firefighters may be exposed to toxic contaminants via multiple exposure pathways:

Inhalation. Many gases, vapours, mists, dusts and fibres released during fires can be inhaled through the lungs. The amount of contaminant inhaled by a person is directly linked to the volume of air inspired and expired, which increases with physical exertion.

Normal breathing frequency at rest is 12-20 breaths per minute (approx. 7-14 litres of air). However, under extreme stress, firefighters with normal lung capacity can metabolise up to 100 litres of air per minute (Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, 2015).

Dermal Absorption occurs when a toxicant comes into contact with an individual’s skin. There are many situations in which firefighters’ skin comes into contact with harmful substances e.g. through direct contact with soot (touching the skin with contaminated hands or with gloves that have been in contact with fire debris) or when an area of skin is exposed in a smoky environment.

Absorption of toxicants via the skin will vary depending on exposure time, the quantity and type of substance, location and the surface area of the skin. The physical demands of firefighting (wearing breathing apparatus, performing rescues, post fire activities etc.) and the high temperatures in which firefighters operate increases their blood flow, sweating rates and body temperature. Together with the body’s reduced water content, this leads to increased dermal absorption of fire effluents.

Ingestion (through the gastro-intestinal tract) occurs when a toxicant is swallowed.

Exposure to contaminants via ingestion may occur when food or drink is contaminated with fire effluents, e.g. if eating/drinking with soiled hands. In addition, when fire gases or particulates have entered the upper respiratory tract via inhalation, they may be carried via mucous and saliva into the digestive system and absorbed into the body.

Minimising firefighters’ exposure to toxic fire effluents

Key Recommendations

Key recommendations are divided into two subgroups:

For Fire Personnel:

  • Respiratory protective equipment (e.g. SCBA) should be worn at all times whilst firefighting. This should also include during salvage and turning over activities and other activities undertaken by FRS personnel (and/or others) after firefighting has been completed, but whilst the building contents are still ‘gassing off’. Respiratory protective equipment should be one of the last items of PPE removed during de-robing (after decontamination).
  • PPE that is suspected of being contaminated should be transported back to the station or workplace in an air-tight container to prevent cross-contamination.
  • Avoid eating, drinking or smoking with unwashed hands whilst wearing, or after de-robing PPE that may be contaminated.
  • After attending a fire incident, all personnel should change into a set of clean, dry clothes as soon as possible, ideally before re-entering the appliance (or FDS vehicle).
  • PPE should be clean and should be thoroughly decontaminated after every incident to avoid a build-up of toxic contaminants. PPE should be inspected for wear and damage on a regular basis, and replaced as necessary.
  • It is important to protect areas of exposed skin and airways when cleaning soiled PPE/equipment. This requires appropriate respiratory protection (e.g. face masks or face coverings) and gloves.
  • “Shower within an hour” when returning to the station from an incident, or following a live fire training exercise.
  • Regular health screening and recording attendance at fire incidents over the course of a firefighter’s career is strongly advised and will be key to the longer-term monitoring and management of health.

For Fire and Rescue Services:

  • Every Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) must have fully risk-assessed decontamination procedures (en-route to, during and after fire incidents), and ensure all relevant staff are trained in implementing these procedures.
  • All FRS personnel should receive regular and up-to-date training on the harmful health effects of exposure to toxic fire effluents, and how these exposures can be reduced, minimised or eliminated.
  • All FRSs should have policies in place for the routine care, maintenance, inspection and professional cleaning of PPE.
  • Establishing and strictly maintaining “designated zones” within the fire station must be a priority for preventing cross-contamination. PPE should never be worn in areas of the station designated a clean zone (e.g. kitchens, living quarters etc.) and should be stored away from personal items.
  • To reduce secondary exposures, appliance cabs and equipment from emergency response vehicles should be cleaned and decontaminated on a regular basis, especially after incidents where exposure to any combustion products occurred.