Driven by its MissionZero strategy, FLS invests in sustainable technology development to underpin increased mining output – especially of those minerals in growing demand by economies moving toward a lower carbon future.
One such mineral is copper, which is essential for a vast array of decarbonising technologies, according to Alistair McKay, FLS Vice President for Capital Sales in Europe, Arabia and Africa. The European Union has recognised the importance of these commodities in its Critical Raw Materials Act, which defines both strategic and critical minerals.
“In the category of critical minerals, there are 16 commodities which are vital,” says McKay. “A shortage of these minerals could derail economic activity, so we have put our weight behind industry efforts to raise levels of sustainable production.”
FLS therefore commits over 50% of its substantial research and development budget to technology that will have a noticeable impact on reduction of carbon emissions, as well as on water and energy consumption whilst improving plant performance. Among its innovations is the rail-running belt conveyor, which has proved itself to be a gamechanger in energy efficiency and operational flexibility. It can reduce the carbon footprint of operations by between 20% and 90% – with commensurate savings in energy costs.